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Reality Stars 

Guinea pigs have come to prominence as television, youtube, and social media stars, either as a supporting character or in their own right.   Here's the best of the best!

The Bacherlorguinette

Part of a comedy sketch used to generate interest in the movie G-force, this adult skit parodies closely a season of The Bachelor.


Rated PG - for language and suggestive dialogue.   If you're not allowed to watch "The Bachelor," don't watch this.

To the Guineamobile

Cute guinea pigs drive their own spy car and save the world, or at least their lettuce! ("Guinea Pig Heroes!")










To the Guineacycle!

The world's most amazing guinea pigs are back in a new adventure! ("Guinea Pig Heroes 2")

Tiny Hamster's Halloween

Tiny Hamster and his friends (including a guinea pig) celebrate Halloween!

Tiny Hamster's July 4th Barbcue

To kick off the July 4 holiday weekend, YouTube celebrity Tiny Hamster hosted the most adorable, miniature barbecue for all of his furry friends. The tiny food is of course hamster-healthy, and his friends, Fuzzy Bunny, as well as a guinea pig don't like fast food.










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Boo Boo the Guinea Pig

Instagram Star

The two-year-old American crested blonde became an internet sensation when Dutch owner, Megan van der Elst, decided to take some pictures of her eating grass in the garden.

To follow Boo Boo on instagram, see @boobooandfriends

Cashew the Guinea Pig

Supporting character on House of Cards


Your Third Team Member

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