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How to say 'guinea pig' in different languages

  • Albanian: derr Indie kavie

  • Danish: marsvin

  • Dutch: Guinees biggetje, Cavia, marmot (obsolete)

  • English: Guinea pig, Cavy

  • Finnish: marsu

  • French: Cobaye, Cochon D'Inde

  • German: Meerschweinchen

  • Greek: indiko hiridio, piramatozoo

  • Hungarian: tengeri malac

  • Indonesian: Marmot

  • Italian: Porcellino d'India, cavia

  • Japanese: tenjiku nezumi, marumotto

  • Kurd: miskal

  • Latin: Cavia porcellus

  • Polish: swinka morska

  • Portugese: Porquinho da Índia, cobaia

  • Rumanian: cobai

  • Russian: marskaya svinka

  • Spanish: conejillos de Indias

  • Swedish: marsvin

  • Turkish: kobay










100 Guinea Pig Names in a Minute

January 03, 2023

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This is Your Second Item

February 23, 2023

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This is Your Third Item

May 28, 2023

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